jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Las Religiones (Absolutamente Toda La Verdad)

Religiones: (Absolutamente Toda la Verdad)

La verdad sobre las religiones
Lucro, Negocio, Mentiras o Creencias.
Aquí se expone la verdad absoluta

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012



In the course and study English 202 3 areas we cover. We read and analyze poetry, short story and themes of our society.

Part of poems read and analyze 5 poems: Desiderata, Everybody is Free to wear Sunscreen, The.30, Theme for English B and Jimmy White Garay be poetry. I learned that poetry is a medium that uiliza to express feelings and in one way or another let off steam in social and personal issues. One of the poems that most interested me was the Desiderata and Everybody is Free to Wear Sunscreen, as both are like a compendium of how to live life and be successful. Tips are very useful and valuable if we know how to put them into practice.

With respect to the short story, "Clay And We Were Created" read and discuss this story based on what happened in Colombia in 1985, when a volcano erupted destroying everything that was around including a small town where there was this young (Omayra) stuck in the mud and nobody could ayudar.Esta story was written in version of story by Isabel Allende.

To learn more about Isabel Allende seek his biography. From there I know its country of origin on which Lima, Peru. Elizabeth has had a long career as a writer. She worked in the press and television, has also made documentary films. Hence has excelled as a novelist of short stories.

Through the story we discuss social issues like domestic violence. On this subject was my test. In which I explained the problems faced by both women and men. In addition to those that are affected are also their children and families. It is a problem that has not yet had an effective solution and should be treated more effectively, more care and more attention.

In conclusion, I could make a blog about all these issues. I learned new words in English and I could learn about other writers and issues affecting our society. Thanks to Professor Jimmy Garay taught us about these issues and put us to work through connectivism.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012


Domestic Violence in Puerto Rico

Domestic violence comprises all those acts of violence, from the use of physical force to harassment or intimidation, occurring within a home and perpetrated at least one family member against another or others. Usually, this type of violence does not occur in isolation, but follows a consistent pattern over time. Its main victims are men, women, children and dependents, although most battered women are often but there are cases of abused men.

We can say that in some cases the most affected are children. They can also be hurt by violence against their mother or father by flying objects, or while in his arms. Even when children are only witnessing violence between their parents against the consequences for health and survival are serious. Often they who urge the parent to leave the violent relationship or those who stand between them to protect those who are mistreated.

Domestic violence is a crime, that is a felony, that hurts the injured and / or damaged and destroys families. Law 54 of August 15, 1989, as amended, known as the Law on the Prevention and Intervention in Domestic Violence defines domestic violence as a pattern of constant use of physical force or psychological violence, intimidation or prosecution against a person on behalf of his spouse, former spouse, person who cohabits or has cohabited, person who holds or has had a consensual relationship or person with whom he fathered child to cause physical harm to his person, their property or to cause serious emotional damage. Domestic violence can manifest physical aggression and / or verbal abuse, threats, sexual assault and imprisonment. These acts are defined in Law No. 54 supra.

There are different types of abuse. Physical abuse is when a person is pulled or hit, being one of the most common. Mental abuse is when the victim is threatened, scorned by her partner constantly and the deprivation of liberty. Sexual abuse is when sex is forced. Domestic violence is one that takes place, therefore, in the family, not just within the four walls of a house. The familiar term will also be understood broadly. Usually considered that domestic violence occurs among adults of similar age or descendants to ancestors. 

Domestic violence occurs across all lines of race, gender, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, social class and age. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. May be exercised by a person to his spouse or children, a son to his parents. May call it that exerted by the wife to the husband, the existing same-sex couples (two men or two women, etc.). There is always exercised by the strongest physically or economically within the family, often being purely psychological reasons that prevent the victim defense.

Domestic violence is a crime that affects a large part of women and is the least reported to the authorities. One in three women in Puerto Rico is or has been abused. It is estimated that 60% of women in Puerto Rico are victims of physical or emotional abuse by their partners. The incidence increases in women aged 25 to 30 years of age. A woman victim of abuse takes 9 to 12 years decided to break the cycle of domestic violence. The 46% of cases are not reported and is the causes of the 62% of marital separation. 
Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence may file itself, through its legal representative or a peace officer, a petition in the Court and request a protective order without requiring prior filing of an indictment. With the protective order may order the following remedies: The Office for Integral Development of Women has a helpline for victims of domestic violence. Through this line (Phone: 787-724-1596) are provided, confidential, counseling services, crisis intervention and coordination with shelters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calling LINE GUIDANCE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, you can talk to a counselor about your problem and the service you need.  
1. An order requiring the abuser to refrain from threatening, intimidating or abusing.

2. An order requiring the abuser to vacate the apartment they share.

3. An order requiring the abuser not to enter the residence, workplace, school children (as), etc..

4. Be granted custody of their child (ren) and ordered to pay child support to the aggressor.

In conclusion mostly Domestic violence begins at home. In the form of parenting or illness is often or is it just fun or mental illness in humans. It's anti-human, should not exist. The violence not only exists in women but there is also more abundant in children, elderly, family, boyfriends, husbands and others. There have been many cases in Puerto Rico without solution. It is important that victims speak and not to remain silent. They can get help throughout the state, a family, a doctor or a community agency.

This Video is Made for Me

Another Video, But This is Not Mine

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012


To the Royal Academy of Language, brain means: One of the nerve centers of the brain constituent, present in all vertebrates and located on the front and top of the cranial cavity.

The human brain controls all body activities. From digestion, respiration, heartbeat, to more complex thoughts, and the fact of walking and moving the arms. Every order, either automatically (as heartbeat) to the volunteers, such as walking, come and processed through the human brain.

Language and the Human Brain

In human beings, it is the left hemisphere that usually contains the specialized language areas. While this holds true for 97% of right-handed people, about 19% of left-handed people have their language areas in the right hemisphere and as many as 68% of them have some language abilities in both the left and the right hemisphere.

The brain acts as "command central" for language and communication, controlling both physical and mental components of speech. Steps that trigger speech: Many areas of the brain work together to control speech, as illustrated. The specific regions used differ slightly for reading aloud or engaging in conversation. The visual cortex is engaged when reading aloud while the auditory cortex predominates during conversation.

My Opinion:
The human brain is the motor or central computer, central nervous system. Similarly, controls the peripheral nervous system. The brain is our computer, without the brain could not function and we would be a vegetable. For me it is the most important in every human being. Although many do not know how to use it, is what makes us somehow be rational

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012



The story opens abruptly, with a startling line: "They discovered the girl's head protruding from the mudpit, eyes wide open, calling soundlessly." As soon becomes clear, the girl is thirteen-year-old Azucena, one of thousands of villagers who lived on the slopes of a mountain in Latin America. A volcanic eruption has created enough heat to melt the ice on the mountain slopes, leading in turn to tremendous mudslides that have buried entire towns and killed more than twenty thousand people. The narrator, who is never named, watches pictures of the devastation on the television news, described by her lover, Rolf Carle, the first television reporter on the scene.

Carlé and his assistant film the first attempts to rescue the girl, but when volunteers are unable to throw a rope to her, he wades up to his waist in the mud to tie the rope under her arms himself. He smiles a charming smile and assures her that she will soon be out. But when the volunteers begin to pull on the rope, Azucena screams in pain; the mud has created such a strong suction around her that she cannot be pulled free. She can feel some kind of debris holding her legs, and while others suggest that it must be the rubble from her crushed house, she insists that it is the bodies of her dead brothers and sisters.

The narrator has watched Carle countless times as he has covered important stories, and she has always admired his ability to be strong and detached in the face of terrible events. This time, however, she can tell by watching his eyes and hearing his voice that his objectivity is slipping, and that he is responding emotionally to Azucena. The catch in his voice is one she has never heard before. Abandoning his task as a reporter, Carlé tries everything he can think of to get the girl free, but with no success. He manages to get a tire slipped under her shoulders so that she will not slip down any further in the mud. Finally he radios for a pump, with which he could drain the water around the girl, but none will be available until the next day. He stays beside the girl all night, giving her sips of coffee to warm her and telling her entertaining stories of his adventures to keep her calm.

Back in the city, the narrator keeps her watch, moving to the television station so that she can see Carlé's satellite transmissions unedited. She phones all of the important government and business people she can think of to try to locate a pump and makes appeals on radio and television, but to no avail. Watching the screen, she feels Carle's pain and frustration, and weeps for the girl. She sees that Carle has reached a kind of tiredness he has never reached before, and that he has "completely forgotten the camera."

Meanwhile, the story has been picked up by other news agencies, and a crowd of reporters and cameras has surrounded Azucena and Carle, sending pictures of the girl to millions of people around the world. A doctor briefly examines the girl, and a priest blesses her, but no one in the crowd can do anything to help her. Although the area is littered with generators and lights and wires and other technical equipment for the television crews, no one can locate a pump.

As the second day closes, Azucena and Carlé are still together, talking quietly and praying. Carlé has run out of stories of his own, and turns first to the stories the narrator has told him, and then to Austrian folk songs he learned as a child. While he continues to talk to the girl, he remembers scenes from his youth that he has repressed for decades: burying bodies at a concentration camp, his father's abuse, his retarded sister's fear, his mother's humiliation. He does not share these memories with the girl, but turns them over in his mind and examines them as he has never done before. He realizes that like Azucena he is trapped, and that his brave adventures have been a way to escape his fear. His experience with the girl has exposed him to feelings he has pushed aside, and he is closer to her emotionally than he has ever been to anyone else.

On the morning of the third day, Azucena andCarlé are both cold, hungry, and exhausted. The president of the Republic comes to be filmed with the girl. He praises the girl for being "an example to the nation" and promises to personally send a pump. But it is too late. As she watches on the screen, the narrator can tell the precise moment when the girl and the reporter give up hoping for a rescue, the moment that they accept the inevitability of death. For both, it is a moment of peace; they stop struggling. The narrator has managed to locate a pump and arranged a way to ship it, but on the third night the girl dies. Carlé takes the tire away from under her arms, and she slips down under the mud.

The last scene of the story occurs afterCarlé has returned home. For some time he has not worked, but he has watched the film of himself and Azucena countless times, wondering what he might have done to help her. The narrator addresses him directly, assuring him that the wounds opened by his experience with the girl will heal in time.

Source: http://www.enotes.com/clay-are

1. Azucena (Lily) - Protagonist character.

2. Rolf Carlé - Round character since a lot of traits about him were given by the author; his past life was also being clearly explained. .

3. Narrator -  Rolf's girlfriend expresses and states the thoughts and feelings Rolfe and Azucena very accurately. She states every detail that occurs at the place where Azucena and Rolfe are at as if she were there. 

4. Republic President - Indifferent to what happened.

5. Press - Just looking to bring the news.

Wednesday of a November. Tree days and two nights.

This story takes place at the city of which is located at the slope of an active volcano that suffered the natural disaster which is the mudslide; it occurs in modern time.

The plots in "And of Clay We Are Created" often revolve around issues of borders, mixing, and change. The beginning of the story describes Azucena's situation. The following paragraph is a description of how the volcano erupted. The plot switches from Azucena surrounded by clay, to the volcano eruption and to the narrator watching the television screen. The story changes its time period when Rolfe reminisces about his past.

That the forces of nature are far much powerful that human nature. Its shown when she explains that Azucena (Lily) was trapped in the mud pit and they all tried with everything they could, but no one could get her out.

People are indifferent to situations outside. What is ironic about this story is that a lot of technologies were being used to transmit the sound and the picture of Azuzena but her request in having just a simple pump failed.

Person Vs Nature
The central conflict of this story is between a little girl named Azuzena who tried to survive the horrific natural disaster which is the mudslide.

Person Vs Himself
The other main conflict of this story is Rolf Carle against his undesired young memories.

Azucena at the end of having endured three days floating in the mud, the mud full of corpses with a tire, the child gives up and she dies and Carlé removes the tire that had been holding her up, and her body slips beneath the mud.

The Narrator concludes: "You are back with me, but you are not the same man. I often accompany you to the station, and we watch the videos of Azucena again; you study them intently, looking for something you could have done to save her, something you did not think of in time. Or maybe you study them to see yourself as if in a mirror, naked. Your cameras lie forgotten in a closet; you do not write or sing; you sit long hours before the window, staring at the mountains. Besides you, I wait for you to complete the voyage into yourself, for the old wounds to heal. I know that when you return from your nightmares, we shall again walk hand in hand, as before".

And of clay we were created
For me it means that the nature created man and just as in the same way that we created us, nature can destroy us.

"And of Clay Are We Created" was inspired by the 1985 avalanche in Colombia that buried a village in mud. Among those trapped was Omaira Sánchez, a thirteen-year-old girl who became the focus of attention of news-hungry photographers, journalists and television cameras that fixed their curious and helpless eyes on the girl who kept her faith in life as she bravely met her death. In that horrid audience of onlookers, there was one man, a reporter, who made the decision to stop observing Omaira from the lens of his camera and lay down in the mud to offer her what comfort he could as her heart and lungs collapsed.

About Isabel Allende:

Isabel Allende was born in Lima, Peru. Her Chilean diplomat father and her mother divorced and she lived with her mother and grandparents. She worked first as a secretary and then as a journalist in print, on television and in movie documentaries.

After the overthrow and assassination in 1973 of her uncle, Salvador Allende, president of Chile, Isabel Allende and her husband and children left for safety in Venezuela.
It was in her exile that she began to write The House of the Spirits, her first novel, which was based on her own family and the politics of Chile.
She continued to produce novels based in part on her own experience, often focusing on the experience of women, weaving myth and realism together. She has lectured and done extensive book tours, and has taught literature at colleges in Virginia, New Jersey and California.

Her 1995 work, Paula, is based on the extended coma and death of her daughter in 1992.

She was divorced from her first husband, Miguel Frías, an engineer. In 1988, she married William Gordon, a lawyer.

martes, 24 de abril de 2012


The Three Amigos
By Robert Collazo


This was a short story of three barbers friends
that had many different points of view and
Different ways of thinking.
It was Saturday morning, it was clam as usual
at the Barbershop.
Michael was the one who always opened in the
Morning. Then Max comes to his shift, they started talking about what they do during the week, where they went or who they met.
Basically men stuff.

I got to tell you something

Tell me dude!!!

I Think I feel in love with this chick.
She is so beautiful.

Jajaja! Well to be honest I’m happy for you,
I thought you was never going to find a girl,
Cause your so shy my men.

Yeah Bro!! I’m going to tell you how it happened;
I was at school, waiting for my food
And then all of the sudden this cute girl
Seats next to me. Oh My God! She was so gorgeous, she look like an angel fallen from the sky, anyways she stared talking to me
And all that.
She asked me why I was looking so sad.

So, how did she look? Was she short? Tall?

Let me tell you.

Wait a minute. I need a cut.
Tell me while you cut me the hair.

Well, She was kind of short, black hair,
her eyes were as green as a leave.

From what you say I can tell she is really cute.

Yeah Men! I can’t believe it;
I think she is too cute for me.

Jajaja! Don’t say that. I really wish you luck my friend. I hope you guys get to know each other
and finally go out.

By the way, her name was Jessica.

Oh yeah I forgot to ask you.

The day shift is over
So now it’s time for the second one,
Where John,
Another barber comes to the
Barbershop to work.

Oh! She’s calling me now.
I have to go.
See you later.

Good luck! See you.

Hey Max!!
Where you go??

I have to go now, then I'll tell you
See you!!

See you buddy.

Michael, my dude was up??

John…..was good with you??

Men I got to tell you something, I met this girl
At school, she looks so fine, she has black hair,
Green eyes, she looks like those from the magazines, you know
What I’m saying.

Another one John, I think this is the fourth
Girl of the month.

Yeah! I know, but this one is different.
She looks like an angel, she’s short, and her green eyes are driving me crazy.

So, Where was that you met her?

I told you, at school.

Oh my God!!
This can’t be true!!!

What’s wrong with you!!!
What can’t be true??

No… nothing….never mind.
I was just thinking out loud.

Well, Michael I have to make  call.
 See you then.

See you.
Is it what I'm thinking?
What Am I going to do, now…

John I got to talk to you, but give me a break, I'm going to call Max , he needs to come over.

Narrator :
They all met at the barbershop , now Michael is going to tell them the truth.

Max :
Why did you want me to come over ?

John :
Yeah, why ?

Michael :
Because you guys are in love with the same chick.

Whatttttt !!! I hate you John , you are a bad friend .

John :
What is wrong with you I didn’t know you was talking to her.

You guys don’t understand …. You are in love with the
Same girl; she’s playing both of you
And I can’t take that, because you guys are
Good men, hard workers and you guys are my friend.

This can’t be happening to me.

Oh! Please John!
Don’t come with that, you are such a bad friend.
I’m pretty sure you knew about it.

Hey! Calm down! I really didn’t know.

Don’t you ever talk me John.

Hey Michael!! Now, what should I do?
Max doesn’t want to talk me at all.

I don’t know, but I’m going to plan
Something so you guys can talk again.

I was calling him a few times, but he
Doesn’t pick up my calls.

Yeah! Mines either.

A week passes by, and everything keeps
The same as the last time.
Michael calls Max because he
Hasn’t showed up to work.

I’m going to call Max for the last time.
Ring, Ring, Ring,

What do you want? leave me alone.

Dude!!! This girl is not worth it .
Come to the barbershop again and have
A talk with John.

No!! He knew what was happening.

I’m telling you, he really didn’t know,
He is really a good friend.

I’ll meet you guys there then. Bye!

See you in the barbershop, then Max.

They were all there,
They took a seat and had a conversation.

Ok. People….
We are here to talk…
Not to fight……all right??

All right.


I’m really sorry Max, I swear I did not know
About you and Jessica. She created
All this just to see how we fought for her.
I hope you can forgive me so we can become
Friends again.

Yeah! I realized, and you guys are right!!
It’s just that I was so crazy for her,
I’m sorry too for treating you like that.
It’s not going to happen again,
I promise.

It’s cool, so we friends again.

Of course!!!

You see how easy is to have a conversation
And discuss our problems.
I Hope we don’t have to fight for
Things that really don’t matter.

Then… everything was solved and they were friends and coworkers again. Then a few months later the same problem happens again, but this time was between John and Michael.

To Be Continue….


1. John 
2. Max
3. Michael
4. Narrator

The story take place at the Barbershop.

Saturday Morning.

When Michael discovers that Max and John fall in love with the same girl and is communicated to both.

Person Vs Person

Max Vs John - Both feel in love with the same girl and they wanted to be with her.

Michael Vs John - Because at the end of the case history is the same but instead with Michael and John.
Person Vs Himself

Max Vs Max - Was very shy and unsafe.

John Vs John - John played a lot with feelings of others.

Problems are solved talking to avoid misunderstandings.

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012


Class May 15, 2012

We review the issues discussed in last class, the teacher assigned us to do another blog about a trial class and some classmates preentaron your blog.

Class May 3, 2012

We talked about the human brain, its functioning, the five senses are working through the brain and the ability to retain.

Class April 26, 2012
Were discussed more idiomatic used, idiomatic expressions. There was also talk about how to do an Essay. Thi ha to be: expository, argumentative and narrative.

Class April 19, 2012

We review the discussed in the last class and what to do for the Blog.

Class April 17, 2012:

We talk about Press. Their different roles and types of press, as the yellow press that seeks to manipulate the news. Also discussed the short story of clay And we Were Created.

Class April 10, 2012:

Some poems were read as: "The .38", "PedroPietri: Pueto Rican Obituary," "Theme For English" and others. We talked about rhyming words and other words.

Class March 29, 2012:

The class was on poetry. It Was defined the word sorrow and poetry. It was said that sorrow is an emotion, feeling, or sentiment than can produce beautiful pieces of literature, poems, songs, stories and events. We talked about the song of Dana Gloves "Start All Over Again".

Class March 27, 2012:

We talked about the conenectivism and technology and we were able to view some videos.

Class March 22, 2012:

In class we were first presented to the class. Then we studied and watched desiderata. Desiderata talk to desires and wishes. Finally the teacher advised us that we study "Everybody is free to wear sunscreen" and "And of Clay Were We Created"