Domestic Violence in Puerto Rico
Domestic violence comprises all those acts of violence, from the use of physical force to harassment or intimidation, occurring within a home and perpetrated at least one family member against another or others. Usually, this type of violence does not occur in isolation, but follows a consistent pattern over time. Its main victims are men, women, children and dependents, although most battered women are often but there are cases of abused men.
We can say that in some cases the most affected are children. They can also be hurt by violence against their mother or father by flying objects, or while in his arms. Even when children are only witnessing violence between their parents against the consequences for health and survival are serious. Often they who urge the parent to leave the violent relationship or those who stand between them to protect those who are mistreated.
Domestic violence is a crime, that is a felony, that hurts the injured and / or damaged and destroys families. Law 54 of August 15, 1989, as amended, known as the Law on the Prevention and Intervention in Domestic Violence defines domestic violence as a pattern of constant use of physical force or psychological violence, intimidation or prosecution against a person on behalf of his spouse, former spouse, person who cohabits or has cohabited, person who holds or has had a consensual relationship or person with whom he fathered child to cause physical harm to his person, their property or to cause serious emotional damage. Domestic violence can manifest physical aggression and / or verbal abuse, threats, sexual assault and imprisonment. These acts are defined in Law No. 54 supra.
There are different types of abuse. Physical abuse is when a person is pulled or hit, being one of the most common. Mental abuse is when the victim is threatened, scorned by her partner constantly and the deprivation of liberty. Sexual abuse is when sex is forced. Domestic violence is one that takes place, therefore, in the family, not just within the four walls of a house. The familiar term will also be understood broadly. Usually considered that domestic violence occurs among adults of similar age or descendants to ancestors.
Domestic violence occurs across all lines of race, gender, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, social class and age. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. May be exercised by a person to his spouse or children, a son to his parents. May call it that exerted by the wife to the husband, the existing same-sex couples (two men or two women, etc.). There is always exercised by the strongest physically or economically within the family, often being purely psychological reasons that prevent the victim defense.
Domestic violence is a crime that affects a large part of women and is the least reported to the authorities. One in three women in Puerto Rico is or has been abused. It is estimated that 60% of women in Puerto Rico are victims of physical or emotional abuse by their partners. The incidence increases in women aged 25 to 30 years of age. A woman victim of abuse takes 9 to 12 years decided to break the cycle of domestic violence. The 46% of cases are not reported and is the causes of the 62% of marital separation.
Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence may file itself, through its legal representative or a peace officer, a petition in the Court and request a protective order without requiring prior filing of an indictment. With the protective order may order the following remedies: The Office for Integral Development of Women has a helpline for victims of domestic violence. Through this line (Phone: 787-724-1596) are provided, confidential, counseling services, crisis intervention and coordination with shelters 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calling LINE GUIDANCE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, you can talk to a counselor about your problem and the service you need.
1. An order requiring the abuser to refrain from threatening, intimidating or abusing.
2. An order requiring the abuser to vacate the apartment they share.
3. An order requiring the abuser not to enter the residence, workplace, school children (as), etc..
4. Be granted custody of their child (ren) and ordered to pay child support to the aggressor.
In conclusion mostly Domestic violence begins at home. In the form of parenting or illness is often or is it just fun or mental illness in humans. It's anti-human, should not exist. The violence not only exists in women but there is also more abundant in children, elderly, family, boyfriends, husbands and others. There have been many cases in Puerto Rico without solution. It is important that victims speak and not to remain silent. They can get help throughout the state, a family, a doctor or a community agency.
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